Monday, October 22, 2018

Motorcycle Small Engine Servicing NC II Vocational Training Courses in TESDA

For those who are looking for accredited schools or training centers in their area with Motorcycle Small Engine Servicing NC II Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. We have posted below a list showing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA regional and provincial training centers with a registered program in Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II. This TESDA approved course is included in the list of short courses under the Technical Vocational Education and Training or TVET Program of the agency.

Shown below is the regional list of accredited schools and TESDA Regional and Provincial training centers with Motorcycle Small Engine Servicing NC II vocational training courses in TESDA. Also provided is the current address of each school and training center including their telephone or mobile numbers for those who wish to inquire by phone.       

TESDA Approved Carpentry Short Vocational Training Courses

For those who wish to enroll in TESDA Approved Carpentry Short Vocational Training Courses, we have compiled below a list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region that offer carpentry courses in TESDA. The carpentry courses offered are Carpentry NC II and Carpentry NC III whose minimum training duration as required by TESDA are 120 hours and 364 hours respectively. For Carpentry NC II, the qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve that will enable him/her to perform fabrication, installation and stripping of formworks, its components and supports. A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be a Rough Carpenter

The Carpentry NC III qualification, on the other hand, consists of competencies that a person must achieve that will enable him/her to install architectural ceiling, wall sheats, panels, boards and floor finishes, fabricate door, window jambs and panels, install stair components or pre-fabricated stairs assembly, and install built-in or pre-fabricated cabinets.

To qualify for enrollment in Carpentry NC II, student applicants must have the following qualifications:

* A holder of National Certificate Level I
* Good Moral Character
* Ability to communicate
* Physically fit and mentally healthy
* Can perform basic mathematical computation and mensuration

Given below are the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region with TESDA registered program in Carpentry NC II and Carpentry NC III. This list was gathered from the list provided by TESDA thru their website including the current location address of each school or training center and their available telephone or mobile numbers for those who wish to inquire by phone.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

TESDA Approved Cookery NC II Vocational Training Courses Offered

For those who wish to study cookery, there are a number of TESDA accredited schools nationwide with TESDA Approved Cookery NC II Vocational Training Courses Offered. This TESDA vocational training course is included in the list of courses being offered under the TVET or Technical Vocational Education and Training program of the agency. The nominal training duration required by TESDA for cookery NC II is 316 hours and must have competencies that a person must achieve to clean kitchen areas, prepare hot, cold meals, and desserts for guests in various food and beverage service facilities. A person who successfully pass the assessment examination for Cookery NC II is qualified to work as a:

= Cook or Commis
= Assistant Cook

Trainees or students who wish to enroll into this TESDA approved course should possess the following qualifications:

* can communicate both in oral and written;
* physically and mentally fit;
* with good moral character; and
* can perform basic mathematical computation

The student qualifications listed above does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.

Furnished below is the regional list of TESDA accredited schools with TESDA approved Cookery NC II vocational training courses offered. This list also includes the school or training centers current address and their available telephone or mobile numbers in case you wish to call and inquire about the specifics of the courses they offer or the enrollment schedule.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

TESDA Approved Health Care Services NC II Vocational Courses Offered

For those who are looking for schools or training centers with TESDA Approved Health Care Services NC II Vocational Courses Offered. TESDA website has provided us with a list of names of all the TESDA accredited schools and training centers with registered program in Health Care Services NC II. This vocational course is included in the list of training courses under the TVET or Technical Vocational Education and Training program of the agency. The Health Care Services NC II qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to prepare and maintain beds, collect and maintain linen stocks at end-user locations, assist with patient mobility, assist in transporting patients, assist with bio-psychosocial support care of patients and handle waste in a health care environment. The minimum training duration recommended by TESDA for this vocational training course is 996 Hours and a person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to work locally or abroad as a:

Nursing Attendant
Nursing Aide
Hospital Assistant
Health Aide

Furnished below are the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and training centers in each region with TESDA approved Health Care Services NC II vocational courses offered. Also provided in this list is the current location address of each school and training center including their telephone or mobile numbers that you may call if you wish to inquire about the TESDA course they offer. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

TESDA Approved Front Office Services NC II Vocational Short Courses Offered

For those who wish to enroll in TESDA Approved Front Office Services NC II Vocational Short Courses Offered. TESDA agency has provided us with a list of TESDA accredited schools and TESDA accredited training centers with registered program in Front Office Services NC II. This TESDA approved course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of Front Office personnel in accordance with industry standards. It covers the basic, common and core competencies on receiving and processing reservations, operating a computerized reservation system, providing reception and accommodation services, conducting night audit, providing club reception services and providing porter services. For this TESDA vocational course, the recommended training duration is 442 hours.

Given below is the list of schools and training centers in each region with Front Office Services NC II vocational courses in TESDA. Also provided in this list is the location address of each school and training center including their available telephone or mobile numbers that you can use if you have questions you wish to ask regarding the details of the TESDA courses they offer.