For those who are looking for TESDA offered Bookkeeping Training Course, we at TESDA Approved Courses have gathered and posted below, the list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region with TESDA Bookkeeping NC III registered program. TESDA offered Bookkeeping NC III has a minimum training duration of 272 hours wherein 20 hours will be spent in learning basic competencies, 24 hours for learning common competencies, and 248 hours for learning core competencies. A person who has achieved a qualification in Bookkeeping NC III is qualified to apply for the position of a Bookkeeper or Accounting Clerk. Shown below are the trainee qualifications to gain entry in Bookkeeping NC III.
Trainee Entry Qualifications
- Must be able to communicate effectively both orally and in written form
- Must be physically, emotionally, psychologically and mentally fit
- Must be able to perform basic mathematical computations
Given below are the names of all the TESDA accredited training centers nationwide including their current address and available contact details if you wish to get in touch with the school or training center and inquire.