For those who wish to learn the art of Bartending, we have put together a list showing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers that offer TESDA approved Bartending training courses 2021. Under the TESDA promulgated training regulations, the minimum training duration required by the agency for Bartending NC II is 438 hours. In the total hours of training, 18 hours are allotted for learning Basic Competencies, 18 hours for learning Common Competencies, 290 hours should be spent for learning Core Competencies, and lastly, 112 hours should be allotted for Elective Competencies. And to qualify for training in any of the TESDA approved Bartending vocational courses, enrollees should meet the following:
Trainee Qualifications:
- can communicate in basic English either oral and written
- at least 10-year basic education graduate
- can perform basic mathematical computation
Given below is the alphabetical list of names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers nationwide with TESDA approved Bartending NC II short courses offered.