For those who wish to work as a Draftsman or a CAD Operator, TESDA together with a number of TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers nationwide, are now offering TESDA Approved Technical Drafting Vocational Course. This TESDA vocational course is a TESDA registered program for each of the TESDA accredited school in this list. This means that the training delivery for Technical Drafting NC II is constantly monitored and supervised by TESDA to ensure they conform with internationally recognized standard of competency.
Shown below are the details for the training duration and trainee qualifications for the TESDA approved Technical Drafting NC II training course.
18 hrs. (Basic Competencies)
36 hrs. (Common Competencies)
94 hrs. (Core Competencies)
For a Filipino to qualify for TESDA training in Technical Drafting NC II, he or she has to have the following qualifications:
- Good moral character.
- Ability to communicate.
- Physically fit and mentally healthy.
- Can perform basic mathematical computation and mensuration.
A person who has achieved Technical Drafting NC II qualification is qualified to fill the position of a Draftsman or a CAD operator.
As mentioned, given below is the list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region with TESDA approved Technical Drafting vocational short course.