Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Carpentry NC II Vocational Training Courses in TESDA

In response to the numerous requests we received asking for names of accredited schools and training centers with Carpentry NC II Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. We have posted below a list containing the names of all the schools and training centers that are TESDA accredited and offers carpentry NC II vocational training courses in TESDA. The said carpentry course is part of the TESDA registered program of each school and training center on this list. This means that each of these TESDA accredited school and training center will be closely monitored by the agency to ensure their program comply with international competency standards.

Given below is the alphabetical list of schools and training centers with carpentry NC II vocational training courses in TESDA. Also included in this list are their repective addresses and contact numbers which are all provided by TESDA agency for those who wish to inquire personally or by phone regarding the TESDA registered program they offer. 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Security Services Vocational Training Courses in TESDA

In response to many Filipinos who are looking for TESDA accredited schools and training centers with  Security Services Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. We at TESDA Approved Courses have compiled below a list containing the names of all the schools and training centers with TESDA Registered Program in * Security Services. This TESDA vocational course has qualifications for NC I and NC II certifications and also has schools and training centers that offers mobile training programs.

Given below is the list of accredited schools and training centers with * Security Services vocational training courses in TESDA. This list was obtained from the list given by TESDA thru their website Also given are the addresses and contact numbers of each accredited school and training center for those who wish to inquire about the * Security Services training course they offer.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Motorcycle Small Engine Servicing Vocational Training Courses in TESDA

For those who wish to learn motorcycle small engine repair, we have compiled below a list containing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with Motorcycle Small Engine Servicing Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. This vocational training course is a TESDA Registered Program which is constantly monitored by TESDA agency to ensure compliance with the competency standards being implemented by TESDA.

Given below is the list of names of all the schools and training centers with motorcycle small engine servicing vocational training courses in TESDA. This list is compiled from the list provided by TESDA agency website including the current address and contact details of each TESDA accredited school and training center in case you wish to inquire about the said TESDA vocationa course or other courses they offer.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Front Office Services Courses in TESDA

For those who are in search of schools and training centers that offers Front Office Services Courses in TESDA, we have posted below a list containing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with TESDA Registered Program in Front Office Services NC II. These TVI or Technical Vocational Institutions are part of the agency's program in promoting technical vocational courses to Filipinos who wish to acquire skills that are in line with international competency standards.

Given below is the list of TESDA accredited schools and training centers with Front Office Services courses in TESDA. This list is arranged alphabetically and by region to make it easier to find the school or training center that offers the said TESDA courses in your area. Also specified in this list are the current addresses and available contact details of each school and training center for those who wish to make inquiries.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers National Capital Region (NCR)

For those in Metro Manila who wish to have TESDA Certification by taking the qualification exam for any of the TESDA Registered Programs, we have posted below the list of all the TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers National Capital Region (NCR). This list obtained from TESDA agency website and posted here on TESDA Approved Courses for easier access of those who are looking for assessment centers where they can take the qualification exam for TESDA certification. In this list, we also indicate the various TESDA vocational courses that are open for assessment by each TESDA accredited assessment centers and the level of certification for each courses in TESDA.

Given below is the said list of TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers National Capital Region (NCR) arranged alphabetically. This list also contains the address and available contact numbers of each assessment center including the TESDA course or courses they are authorized to assess. If you have questions, you can dial their corresponding telephone or mobile numbers.