In Region V, there is a total of 33 TESDA accredited schools with various TESDA Welder Training Courses Offered Region V. In the province of Albay, there are 8 accredited schools including 2 Provincial Training Centers located in Malilipot and Guinobatan. Another Region 5 province is the province of Camarines Norte. Here, there are 6 accredited welder training centers including a Provincial Training Center located in Labo.
The third Region V province is the province of Camarines Sur. Cam Sur have 9 accredited welding schools including a Provincial Training Center in Libmanan and a Regional Training Center in Pili. The fourth Region V province is the province of Catanduanes. Here, there is only one TESDA accredited school that offer welding training course.
The fifth and sixth Region 5 provinces are the provinces of Masbate and Sorsogon. In Masbate, there are 6 accredited welding schools while the province of Sorsogon have 3 accredited welder training schools.
Given below is the list of all the TESDA accredited welder training schools including their TESDA approved welder training courses.