For those who are looking for TESDA accredited schools with TESDA Approved Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing. These accredited schools and training centers nationwide are under guidance and strict monitoring by TESDA agency to make sure comply in accordance with industry standards. Given below is the required minimum training duration and trainee qualifications for Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II.
Minimum Training Duration:
18 Hours (Basic Competency)
88 Hours (Common Competency)
544 Hours (Core Competency)
Trainee Qualifications
Trainees or students should possess the following requirements:
- Can communicate both orally and in writing.
- Can perform basic mathematical computation.
- At least Senior High School (Grade 11 ) level.
- At least holder of Student Permit or LTO license (Restriction Code 1).
For a more convenient search, we have arranged the list of TESDA accredited schools, by region and by city or province. Furnished below is the regional list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with TESDA approved Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing training course offered.