For those who wish to enroll in a TESDA Approved Automotive Servicing Training Course, we have compiled below a list showing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools nationwide that offer vocational training courses in Automotive Servicing. This TESDA registered program have four different qualifications and specified below are the details of their training durations and trainee qualifications for each of the Automotive Servicing course offered.
Automotive Servicing NC I - 469 hours training duration
- Can communicate both oral and written
- Can perform basic mathematical computation
Automotive Servicing NC II - 676 hours training duration
- Can communicate both oral and written
- Can perform basic mathematical computation
Automotive Servicing NC III - 526 hours training duration
- Holder of Automotive Servicing NC II Certificate
- Can communicate both oral and written
- Can perform basic mathematical computation
Automotive Servicing NC IV - 804 hours training duration
- Preferably holder of Automotive Servicing NC III Certificate
- Can communicate both oral and written; and
- Can perform basic mathematical computation
As we mentioned, shown below are the names of all the TESDA accredited training centers nationwide with Automotive Servicing vocational courses offered.