Before an accredited school can offer a vocational course or program, the accredited school must first comply with the requirements of registration. After they have complied with all the requirements, they will then be issued a CoPR or Certificate of Program Registration and their program will be included in the list of TESDA Registered Programs. And to maintain the quality of education and training given to students, TESDA must constantly monitor the program implementation of each TESDA registered program.
In Capiz, one of the six provinces that comprises Region VI, there are 19 TESDA accredited schools with TESDA Approved Training Courses Capiz including a provincial training center in Sigma and Dumalag Vocational Technical School which is a TESDA Technology Institution that offer free training to qualified enrollees on a first come first serve basis.
Given below are the names of all the TESDA accredited schools with TESDA courses offered in the province of Capiz. Also provided below are the current address and contact numbers of each school and training center Capiz for those who wish to inquire about the TESDA courses they offer.