For those who are looking for TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with
TESDA Automotive Servicing Vocational Training Courses Offered. These automotive servicing vocational courses are included in the list of TESDA approved courses and has qualifications for NC I, NC II, NC III, or NC IV certification. And to qualify for enrollment in the said TESDA vocational short courses, trainees or students should possess the following qualifications:
- Can communicate both oral and written; and
- Can perform basic mathematical computation
This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program
Furnished below is the regional list of schools and training centers with TESDA automotive servicing vocational training courses offered. Also given in this list are the addresses and contact numbers of each school and training center in case you wish to visit their offices or inquire by phone.