Monday, March 14, 2016

TESDA Approved Courses in Pipefitting

For those who are looking for schools and training centers that offers TESDA Approved Courses in Pipefitting, we have compiled below the names of every TESDA accredited schools and TESDA accredited training centers that offers pipefitting course. This list of TESDA accredited schools and training centers with TESDA approved courses in pipefitting was copied straight from TESDA agency website and posted it here on TESDA Approved Courses. If you have questions about the TESDA pipefitting course offered by a specific school or training center. you can ask them personally or by dialing their contact numbers that is included in our list of TESDA Approved Courses in Pipefitting.

TESDA HEO Courses Offered 2016

For those who are looking for Heavy Equipment Operation or HEO courses offered 2016, we have compiled below a list of every TESDA accredited schools and training centers with TESDA HEO Courses Offered 2016. This updated list of TESDA HEO courses offered 2016 were sourced directly from TESDA agency website which currently listed far greater number of TESDA accredited schools and training centers than our previous post. If you wish to make inquiries, you can ask personally or you can use the school's or training center's contact numbers that we have included in the list.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers for Carpentry Course

For those who want to have certification in the field of carpentry, we at TESDA Approved Courses have posted below the list of every TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers for Carpentry Course. This list of TESDA accredited assessment centers were gathered straight from TESDA agency website which provides us with all the details about each TESDA accredited assessment centers including their addresses, contact numbers, and specific levels of certification offered by each assessment center. Given below is the said list of TESDA agency accredited assessment center for carpentry course.    

Monday, March 7, 2016

TESDA Approved Courses in Hairdressing

For those who are looking for TESDA accredited schools or training centers where they could enroll in hairdressing vocational course, TESDA Approved Courses have compiled below a list of names of all the TESDA accredited school and training center that offers TESDA Approved Courses in Hairdressing. These hairdressing vocational courses offered are closely monitored by TESDA agency to ensure that each school or training center that offers hairdressing course conforms with TESDA's standard of competency. Given below are the names, addresses, and contact numbers of every school and training center that offers TESDA approved courses in hairdressing.    

Sunday, March 6, 2016

TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers for Bread and Pastry Production Course

For those who wish to have NC II certification in bread and pastry production, TESDA Approved Courses have gathered from TESDA agency website the names, addresses, and contact numbers of every school and training center that offers skills assessment in bread and pastry production. This list of TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers for Bread and Pastry Production Course consists of the name of the TESDA accredited assessment center, the specific skill they assess and the corresponding certification level they provide, the address of each TESDA accredited assessment center, and their available contact numbers. If you have questions to ask the assessment center, you can dial their corresponding contact number.