In Region XII or commonly known as SoCCSKSarGen, there are a few TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers that offer TESDA Approved Welder Training Vocational Courses Offered Region XII.
In the province of South Cotabato, there are 9 accredited schools with various welding courses offered. The province of Cotabato on the other hand has a total of 8 accredited schools. In Sultan Kudarat, 5 schools are offering a variety of welding courses including a Regional Manpower Development Center in Barangay Rebuken. The province of Sarangani on the other hand only have 2 accredited schools and General Santos City has 15 accredited schools.
Furnished below is the list of all the TESDA accredited schools in the Region 12 provinces of South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos City including their location address, contact numbers, and specific welding course or welding courses they offer.