For those who wish to study Masonry, TESDA together with TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers nationwide, are offering Filipinos the opportunity to avail of the TESDAS Approved Masonry Training Courses Offered. The Masonry courses offered have qualification for NC I, NC II, and NC III and can be availed for free thru the free training vouchers given by the agency to each of their accredited schools. These TESDA free training can only be given to a limited number of qualified student enrollee who are the first ones to be enrolled.
Given below are the details for the training duration and trainee qualifications for each of the TESDA approved Masonry training course.
Masonry NC I
Minimum Training Duration
28 hours (Basic Competency)
20 hours (Common Competency)
56 hours (Core Competency)
Trainee Qualifications
Trainees or students wishing to enroll in Masonry NC I must meet the following qualifications:
- Can communicate either oral and written
- Physically and mentally fit
- With good moral character
- Can perform basic mathematical computation and mensuration
Masonry NC II
Minimum Training Duration
18 hours (Basic Competency)
24 hours (Common Competency)
216 hours (Core Competency)
Trainee Qualifications
Trainees or students who wish to enroll in Masonry NC II must meet the following qualifications:
- Can communicate either oral and written
- Physically and mentally fit
- With good moral character
- Can perform basic mathematical computation and mensuration
Masonry NC III
Minimum Training Duration
20 hours (Basic Competency)
24 hours (Common Competency)
320 hours (Core Competency)
Trainee Qualifications
Trainees or students who wish to gain entry in Masonry NC III must have the following qualifications:
- Can communicate both oral and written
- Physically and mentally fit
- With good moral character
- Can perform basic Mathematical computation
Furnished below is the list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers that offer Masonry NC I, Masonry NC II, or Masonry NC III.